Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day!

Today is a day we remember those of our loved ones who have passed on... whether family or friends and also a day to recognize our gratitude for our armed services. Today I had the opportunity at Dillards to write a thankyou note to our troops. What an honor and a privilage.
I am still feeling sick even tho I managed to go this morning and play and WIN 3 sets of tennis, go shopping with Becky and Kristen. Larry, John and Nick and Scott played golf and they all got sun burned... I talked to my Dad today. I love him so much.
Happy Memorial Day...


John and Becky Bowler said...

Happy Memorial Day!!!! Are you feeling any better? Yesterday was a lot of fun. :)

dhillman said...

First of all, I have to say that I am sorry you are not feeling well...but I can't believe you hid this from me for so long! I didn't know you had a blog...
Congratulations on your graduate. I have to admit I agree with you about what a great young man he is. I love him too.
Congratulations on the tennis..that is amazing! (that is Maryn's favorite word and it is rubbing off). I am truly impressed!
I will checking in regularly!
How is Alexis..I need to get her it on the sacrament program?
Again, hope you are feeling better!