Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday.. June 11th


His BEAUTIFUL assistant ROBINO (aka.. Robin in Philippino)

Elder Shipley at your SERVICE!

Robin and Mother-in-law Donna holding BEAUTIFUL Mexican Bird of Paradise Flowers!

Wasn't today just beautiful? This weather is amazing! :)
Today we went over to Ray and Donna's to help trim up the Boganvia and various
flowering bushes they had that were over grown.. usually happens 2 or 3 times a year.. and then to Famous Daves BBQ..
Alot of Scott's missionary stuff has arrived that we ordered... so we are going to have fun with all of week the Temple. :)


Linda said...

Those are such good pictures of all of doing service. What a great family you are!

Dunklees said...

Last night my mom and I were just talking about all of the service that you do - both blogged and secret. You guys are so awesome!

Debbie's said...

Love the pictures- you look awesome :)