Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints... England
English Leeds Mission
Sister Alexis Shipley
Our last picture with Alexis.. April 2008
Cool Picture!
We recieved some packages w/pictures of our missionary Alexis... I cant believe 6 months has gone by.. Her Dad and I miss her so much as well as her siblings.. she is a RAY of SUNSHINE to all those she meets. She is so ready to be transferred out of Durham.. ready for new people.. new surroundings... I hope that happens for her next Tuesday.
We saw the movie Dutchess today.. the movie was filmed in England ... not far from where Alexis is serving... feeling happy and sad.. I miss my daughter! :(
I miss Alexis too. But I might send her an email to crack the whip. You know what I mean!
She looks amazing--just like an Englishwoman. Can't believe it has been 6 months already.
6 months wow! She looks so good and I have to admit, I am missing a ray in my sunshine too.
Alexis looks great! Mission life agrees with her.
Hi Sister Shipley's Family!
You don't know me but my name is Lorna Keene, how you doing?
I'm from Stanley ward (Durham Area) your daughters first area, and I just thought I's write to say how much we love your daughter too!
She is so great! We miss her now she is gone and I love her so much! I know why you miss her so much!
But she is a fantastic missionary who loves the gospel and her Heavenely Father, I just wanted you to know you're not missing her in vain she is doing a brilliant job.
All the best,
Lorna Keene
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