Thursday, October 16, 2008


I just saw the "coolest"video on my friend Danette's blog.. it is called "SAY" and it is John Mayer singing his music " SAY"
I am so amazed at how blessed I am with the BEST husband in the whole world.. 4 GREAT kids.. 2 WONDERFUL Son-in-laws.. my MOM and DAD..KATHLEEN... AWESOME Friends at CHURCH and at TENNIS...the BESTEST Neighbors!!! I love EVERYONE in my life!!! THANKYOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FOR ME! Just like the song says... I WANT TO KEEP MY HEART WIDE OPEN!
YOU are the COOLEST! :)

'Say' Music Video from Matthew Singleton on Vimeo.


Debbie's said...

aw- what an awesome song! I think absolutely anyone can relate to and be inspired by that song... thanks for sharing!

Linda said...

You're warming up with lots of love for this weekend, aren't you! I hope it goes absolutely perfect for you and the birthday boy!

dhillman said...

You are a great friend and I love you! See you tomorrow!