I have been worried about this day for quite awhile.. it was the Ward Christmas party tonight... and being the "Control Freak" that I am... was giving directions right up until about 4 p.m.... after calling during the 2nd quarter of the U of A game... and hearing all was well... I was able to ENJOY the VICTORY tonight! 31-10!!!
We KILLED ASU! Too Fun! Tonight was most unfortunate for the ASU FANS!!!!
So glad you had fun at the game. The party went well. I think that is the sign of a good "control freak"!! We missed you though!
We had fun at the game. :)
YAY for UofA!
I have my first ward Christmas Party this Friday. The control freak in me is budding... it's hard to trust other people to do things how I envision it :P
Yours looked very nice :) I wish my ward could afford poinsettias for all the tables- it's such a nice touch.
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