Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Anyone for Tennis? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

It was darn cold out tonight... we didn't last too long... but it felt good to swing a racquet... look how BITTER Nick looks... this picture was taken after I beat him 2 out of 3... haha! Actually, it was quite scary when he hit the ball... FAST!
Isn't he handsome?
Kristen thinks I look like Ben Stiller... the weight loss director..."Tony Perkus" in that movie "HeavyWeights" with my ear muffs on... I am telling you... it was COLD! brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....


Susie Shipley said...

Hey, we're starting to look like twins with our black on black - tights too!! You guys are crazy out there in the cold!!

John and Becky Bowler said...

Cute pictures...it does look cold out there. :)

dhillman said...

I like the pics! And you are right last night was cold, and I don't usually say that!