Saturday, November 29, 2008

Finally... She Blooms!

Isn't this BEaUtiFul? Larry planted this forever ago... as I was driving off for tennis
this morning... I noticed it had finally BLOOMED! and it's a beauty.. so, I put the car back in park.. ran in the house for the camera and snapped this picture.
I guess you could say I stopped and smelled the roses... or in this case the Hybiscus! :)
For just a brief moment... I felt gratitude deep within for the Beauty of the Earth of which our Heavenly Father had intended for us to experience and it felt really nice...
I started my day off with 2 sets of singles tennis.. even able to play with 3 stitches in my finger.. tho I lost both sets.,,my opponant Joanie Watkins is the BEST it was so FUN! :)


Sharron said...

The longer the wait, the sweeter the scent!

Cami Epperson said...

Gorgeous! I love Hybiscus... reminds me of Hawaii!