Saturday, November 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Marilyn.... the BIG 80!

Marilyn and her husband Al. (who is throwing her a dinner party tonight!)

Yesterday...after losing a tennis match and feeling very unhappy with myself.. I had the privalidge of attending a luncheon held at Michaelangeloes for a dear woman who gives me anxiety on the court every time I play her.. she has a slice like NO OTHER.. a warm smile but I am telling you... she is DANGEROUS! :) About 30 or so very fun gals came together and it was just a really nice luncheon..many of the women there have known Marilyn for years.. I have only known Marilyn for about a it was a real honor to get to go to such a special event... 80 years old TODAY!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marilyn.. YOU are AWESOME! Keep playing TENNIS!
I want to be just like YOU..:) See ya on the courts!!!

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