Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tagged... 7 Random Things About Myself...

1.I LOVE Cheetoes and a tall glass of MILK!
2.Easily BORED!
3.LOVE to make people LAUGH!
4.HATE cell phones. (I can never ever find mine/or it is DEAD!)
5.Could watch TENNIS on TV.. ALL DAY! (I have the tennis channel) :)
7.LOL! Just Kidding! Did I get you? hahahahaha!


Susie said...

You got me with No. 6 - especially after the Ross Perot snafu!! HA - can't wait to see your video today.

Sharron said...

Cheetos and milk??!?!?!!? There has to be a law against that one! You need something fizzy to wash the "fried belly button lint" (Jon's name for them) down! I keep them in the car when we are traveling. When I drive, I munch them so that as soon as Jon has had his nap, he wants to drive so that I will go back to my needle work and he doesn't have to smell them. Pretty good, huh? do you like crunchy or puffs?

I like to watch tennis when I feel like knocking someone's block off. It's pretty theraputic, pretending.