Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Hunter is BACK!

It is 1 o'clock am.. and the HUNTER is HOME! Washing his clothes after not bathing for 4 days... elk have very sensitive smelling issues..SO do I... in the laundrey SHIPLEY!.... and in the SHOWER! Luckily... Bambi is still alive..LARRY is still ALIVE! Larry loved the whole experience and was impressed by his HUNTER Son-in-law JOhn! Thankyou John, for not having any accidental shootings involving Larry ... I am happy to have my "MAN" home to relax for the rest of the weekend! :)


Susie said...

I'm happy to not see any "dead Elk" photos - whew!!

Linda said...

Cute post--love you love your man!

Dunklees said...

Larry looks like he had a great time! It's always nice when they come home!