Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I want to PLAY TENNIS!

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Well... I haven't HIT a tennis ball since last Friday.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :(
It wouldn't be so bad if I were on vacation or somewhere exciting but I'm not.. I am at home. I just had a shot in my foot last night... it hurt.. but now it doesn't..
I could go up and just serve a few... 100! haha! but, I won't. It is different when you make the choice not to do something as opposed to NOT being able to.. oh well... as a good friend usually says to me.. and you know who you are.. "this too shall pass!" :)


Debbie's said...

Your new header picture is GREAT! I love Becky's face.
I hope the shot helps. My mom gets them, too. The shot is miserable, but the benefits are worth it to her :)
G'luck and way to practice self-restraint!

dhillman said...

Hope that shot helps...ouch, it sounds terrible!
I have tennis on my wii?!! Come on over :)