Monday, August 11, 2008

Yikes! A Rattle Snake!

I decided to take a late night swim tonight... I was too lazy to turn on the pool light... so I just stepped down all three stairs on the island.. swam a few laps.. decided I would like the pool lights on, so that I could see while swimming.. walked up all three steps to turn on the lights.. imagine how creeped out I was to see this rattle snake on the 3rd step.. he was dead.. but still... YIKES!


Debbie's said...

Holy cow!!! Yeah, that would have given me the heeby-jeebies... it does just looking at it. I'm sure glad for you it was dead.

Susie said...

How scary!!!!! - Hmmm, were you keeping the lights off for a reason?? Could that be called a "let" too?

John and Becky Bowler said...

Yikes!!! That would have scared me. I'm glad that he wan't alive. He must have drowned.

dhillman said...

Yikes is right!! I think my swim would have been over. I bet you turn the lights on next time!

The Baker Family said...

That is freaky, I would be so scared to go in my backyard again. You're one brave woman. Nikki

Amy said...

Oh my gosh!! I would never go night swimming again! I don't do snakes!! I can't even take Tiff through the reptile section at the zoo. I think after this, I will be checking out the pool before entering.